Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Slip

Hello ladies! I hope you’ve had a great week so far. : )

I recently saw this slip idea on Pinterest and I thought I would share with you all. By the way, if you are not already following The Modesty Walk on Pinterest, you can do so by clicking here and be part of all our interesting finds.

This slip idea is great for adding length to your skirts and unique cuteness. The great thing about them is that, you can create a few to re-wear over and over again, so instead of always having to add material to your skirts for length, you could use a slip with many of your skirts.

The blog where you find the instructions on how to make it is here. It seems pretty simple, you just need a slip, (which you could get at stores like Sears or Walmart), the lace fabric and you'd be only one hem away from completion. I shall try to make one myself and show you the final product. I encourage you to try too! You can certainly find that kind of lace fabric at Fabric Land. A good idea is to make 2 or 3 slips of the colours which you would mostly use and voila, instantly you have a longer skirt for added modesty.

Excited about trying this! Let me know if you do to, post a pic on our FB group page.

Friday, May 18, 2012

Beautiful in God's Eyes

It is often stated that “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder” - I couldn’t agree more and I’m sure you do to. We all have different thoughts on what beautiful is and I think it is influenced by our upbringing and social environment. But do you ever wonder what God thinks beauty is? Often when we think of beauty, we think of certain physical features which in our mind make a lady beautiful. But, does God also look at our physical features or is there something more? What really makes a women beautiful before God? Let’s find out.

1 Peter 3: 4 states - “Whose adorning let it not be that outward adorning of plaiting the hair, and of wearing of gold, or of putting on of apparel; But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price.” - KJV

Peter advises women to not focus on the vain things of this world, on how we adorn ourselves, and to stay away from those things which steal our focus on God. He advises against those things which are just ostentatious, which Jewelry certainly tends to be and the focus is just on, me, me, me and not on the God that is in me. In Peter’s time, and I think it’s pretty much the same in our time, Women tended to focus way too much time on adorning and fixing themselves, to the point where that became ALL of their focus. These ladies were uptight, selfish, self-centred and just very vain individuals (Libranos Senor!) and because of this, they could not get over themselves to get into GOD.  That being said, it doesn’t mean, we aren’t going to worry about fixing ourselves at all and that all that jazz is bad! Please take showers, put gel in your hair, a clip to hold it in place, and a nice modest outfit, we don’t want to see how you look when you wake up!!! – The key is Moderation. But seriously speaking, where the problems lies is when that becomes our main focus and we worry more about our appearance – trying to impress man, than seeking God and trying to impress HIM. When we spend more time on our appearance than what we do, seeking to be more like HIM!

As we continue to read this scripture, we can note exactly what it is that God considers beautiful in a lady! It’s the beauty of having a meek and quiet spirit which is of great price in his sight. I love that the verse states that this type of beauty is incorruptible! Our physical beauty will corrupt as we age but our inner beautiful being will never corrupt! That is what God desires for us to work on and focus on more than anything else, our inner being, that each day we work towards HIM being formed in us. (Galatians 4:19)

So what does it mean to have a meek and quiet spirit? I was able to do some research and came across these qualities for a person with a “meek and quiet spirit”;


Dependant on God

A person with these qualities is what God considers beautiful! It’s not our physical characteristics which make us pretty in God’s eyes, but rather that we may possess these qualities and inspire our families and friends to possess these qualities as well. That each day we focus beautifying our spirit first, more than anything else. That our focus can be on people seeing Christ in us rather than just seeing how great we look. The Lord enjoys when it’s less about us and our focus is more of HIM and love for others. Afterall that is the Greatest commandment after all. (Matthew 22:38-40) Let’s seek each day to be beautiful in our Lord’s eyes that he may greatly desire us, to be with us, to fill us with his Joy.

So the King will greatly desire your beauty; Because He is your Lord, worship Him. - Psalms 45:11

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

My Favs May 2012

So I wanted to Share with you, a few of my favourite outfits so far, which I have created on Polyvore. Do you girls like? Oh how I wish I truly owned all of these lovely clothing items. Funny enough, both Polyvore and Pinterest have opened my eyes on how I can re-arrange things I already have to create a new and fun colourful outfit. Try these webpages if your stuck and be inspired. OH AND WEAR COLOUR, SPRING IS HERE. :) Scroll Away.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Un Defecto En La Mujer

For our english speaking followers, I’m terribly sorry but this post is going to be in Spanish. It’s a poem, which I just can’t translate but I wanted to share on this blog in honour of the upcoming Mother’s day. This Poem was shared with us during a Ladies Retreat we attended recently, it’s not relating to modesty but it’s relating to women and their worth. Sometimes when women don’t value themselves, that too can be a cause for them to dress immodestly. Our outwardness is usually reflective of what we feel inside about ourselves. We are very valuable for God. Always remember that. Your hard work for your family does not go in vain. God honours that and thinks you are more precious than precious pearls! Happy Mother’s day! Enjoy it with those special ladies in your life and share this beautiful poem with them. Remind them of their value. (To the left, the lady who taught me so much about a women's worth, I love my Mother)

“Un Defecto En La Mujer”

Para cuando Dios hizo a la mujer, ya estaba en su sexto día de trabajo de horas extras.

Un ángel apareció y le dijo: "¿Por qué pones tanto tiempo en ésta?"

Y El Señor contestó: "¿Has visto mi Hoja de Especificaciones para ella? Debe ser completamente lavable, pero no ser de plástico, tener más de 200 piezas movibles, todas cambiables y ser capaz de funcionar con una dieta de cualquier cosa y sobras, tener un regazo que pueda acomodar cuatro niños al mismo tiempo, tener un beso que pueda curar desde una rodilla raspada hasta un corazón roto y lo hará todo con solamente dos manos."

El ángel se maravilló de los requisitos.
"¿Solamente dos manos....Imposible!
¿Y este es solamente el modelo estándar?
Es demasiado trabajo para un día...Espera hasta mañana para terminarla.”

"No lo haré, protestó el Señor. Estoy tan cerca de terminar esta creación que es favorita de mi propio corazón. Ella se cura sola cuando está enferma Y puede trabajar días de 18 horas."

El ángel se acercó más y tocó a la mujer:
"Pero la has hecho tan suave, Señor”

"Es suave", dijo Dios, "pero la he hecho también fuerte. No tienes idea de lo que puede aguantar o lograr."

"¿Será capaz de pensar?" preguntó el ángel.

Dios contestó:
"No solamente será capaz de pensar sino que también podrá razonar y negociar"

El ángel entonces notó algo y alargando la mano tocó la mejilla de la mujer....
"Señor, parece que este modelo tiene una fuga...
Te dije que estabas tratando de poner demasiadas cosas en ella"

"Eso no es ninguna fuga... es una lágrima" lo corrigió El Señor.
"Para qué es la lágrima," preguntó el ángel.

Y Dios dijo:
"Las lágrimas son su manera de expresar su dicha, su pena, su desengaño, su amor, su soledad, su sufrimiento, y su orgullo."

Esto impresionó mucho al ángel "Eres un genio, Señor, pensaste en todo. La mujer es verdaderamente maravillosa"

“Lo es!
La mujer tiene fuerzas que maravillan a los hombres.
Aguantan dificultades, llevan grandes cargas, pero tienen felicidad, amor y dicha. Sonríen cuando quieren gritar.
Cantan cuando quieren llorar.
Lloran cuando están felices y ríen cuando están nerviosas.
Luchan por lo que creen.
Se enfrentan a la injusticia.
No aceptan "no" por respuesta cuando ellas creen que hay una solución mejor.
Se privan para que su familia pueda tener.
Van al médico con una amiga que tiene miedo de ir.
Aman incondicionalmente.
Lloran cuando sus hijos triunfan y se alegran cuando sus amistades consiguen premios.
Son felices cuando escuchan sobre un nacimiento o una boda.
Su corazón se rompe cuando muere una amiga.
Sufren con la pérdida de un ser querido, sin embargo son fuertes cuando piensan que ya no hay más fuerza.
Saben que un beso y un abrazo pueden ayudar a curar un corazón roto.”

“Realmente es impressionate la Mujer” dijo el ángel.

“Si” dijo el Señor. “Sin embargo, hay un defecto en la mujer”

“Cual es?” Pregunto preplejo el ángel.

Dios contestó:
“...Es que a ELLA se le olvida cuánto ELLA VALE...”


Monday, May 7, 2012

What the Brain Has to Say about Modesty

I saw this video a while ago and came across it again recently. This guy is not apostolic, but he has some very good points. Thought it was interesting enough to share. I like this particular quote “fully clothed women were seen as being in control of their own actions, whereas the immodest ones to be acted upon”. Check it out and comment with your thoughts.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Modest Swim/Workout Wear

Summer is coming, so bring out the BBQ, the patios, the lemonade and the swimming pool! But wait – what to swimming pool wear?!?!

Through my years, I’ve struggled with what to wear when going to the beach or to a swimming pool. Personally, I love swimming, it’s been my favourite Sport (per say) since I was a child. But as I grew, I had my faith to think about, so I wondered if there were modest options. A few years back I came across a few webpages that actually dedicate to creating modest swimwear, I was like, yey!! I’m not alone in this. The downside can be that because it’s such a small market, the pricing can sometimes be high. However, below I’ve posted a few options from a few websites which you could order these modest swimsuits from. They are made of great material which dries fast. Another option is to get the idea and get one made out of similar materials. Most of these outfits are created for use when working out as well, the come with leggings or skorts underneath for added modesty. Each photo is linked to the source. Consider the options, you can still be active and be modest!

I'm not sure where this one is from, but if you are considering the option of making one, this is a neat example to follow. The floral top is cute.
This is what the ladies back in the 1900’s wore for swimming. So sad to see how society has changed so much. I once read a quote that said something along the lines of “what one generation allows in moderation, the next will do in excess” That is so true. We must be careful what we allow in our lives and remember that there is another generation rising up behind us, who look up to the previous one for example!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Put on the Armor of Light!

The night is far spent, the day is at hand. Therefore let us cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armor of light. Let us walk properly, as in the day, not in revelry and drunkenness, not in lewdness and lust, not in strife and envy.”  Romans 13:11-13

Have you ever been busy? So busy that you don’t know what to do with yourself?!?!?! I have like 3 posts in the works, none of which I’ve had a chance to finish! The last 2 weeks feel like a blur, crazy busy at work, crazy busy with church and crazy busy with family - but having a blast (except for work – tee hee)! Any who, I think this week you shall have an update. In the interim, I read a testimony recently which I wanted to share with you.

“A young lady decided that for just ONE night, she would forget about all of the standards of dress that she set for herself and go out on the town with a friend. No one would ever believe that she would wear the type of clothes that she wore that night, but she was away from home and knew she would not run in to anyone that would make her feel guilty. That night she was caught in a situation caused by a result of her promiscuous apparel and she was killed. The young man eventually came face to face with her family and was amazed to find out that she was Pentecostal. He made the comment that he “never would have laid a hand on her if he would have known that”, but the way she was dressed, how could he know? It was discovered later on that he grew up in a Pentecostal home.”

This doesn’t go to say that if you dress immodestly you are going to die! But really what it shows is that modesty makes a huge difference and creates a barrier of respect from those around you. Respect is a good barrier. For example, at work, I rarely have people swearing around me (and when they do they say sorry!), or talking to me about promiscuous things (which is a norm in this world), why you ask? Because the way you dress and conduct yourself can truly create a barrier of respect without you having to say much. The people around you, notice you are different and respect you for it.

An important thing to note too is, modesty is some sort of protection from harm. Is it possible that if this girl, would have not dressed in a way to provoke the fleshly desires of this evil man and been at that wrong place, she could be alive today? Not to say that his actions were just, but it’s a thought. Yes, I get it, maybe she was just in a bad place at the wrong time, but her immodest apparel did not help the situation but rather created an opportunity for harm’s way. When we dress Modestly, it is as if we are putting on the armor of light and opaque all darkness (oxymoron?!), because we are following God’s word and chose to not sink into lewdness and lust (which is what immodesty provokes). By putting this armor of light we 1) Cast off all the works of darkness 2) Create a barrier of Respect 3) We receive protection from harm!

Last thing to note, could it be possible that this girl was dressing modestly, just to please those around her? Her family, church friends, church leadership? But not really because she had those convictions in her heart? By the looks of it, I think this is exactly what happened. The story states that she “she knew she would not run in to anyone that would make her feel guilty”. Like I mentioned in my own modesty testimony post here, it is super important that we be firm in our convictions, study and pray about them! That they be founded on the Rock and immovable. We are not here to please man but to please God according to the word He has left us. Once again I encourage you to study, study, study and ask, ask, ask when you are unsure. Follow the standards of Modesty, not to please man but because this pleases God. Put on the armour of light! Be the Light, be the difference and bring Glory to God’s name.

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